Work-Study Program

Part-Time Employment for Students

The Work-Study program is a government-funded opportunity that provides part-time jobs, mostly on campus, to students who need financial help. It’s a great way to earn money for school while gaining work experience.

Here’s how it works:

  • You can earn between $3,000 and $6,000 per school year (or $1,500 to $3,000 per semester).
  • Hourly pay ranges from $10.75 to $12.75.
  • You’ll only be paid for the hours you work, which are usually 8 to 10 hours per week, as agreed upon with your supervisor.

Once your work schedule is set, your responsibilities are straightforward:

  1. Work your assigned hours.
  2. Report the hours you’ve worked.
  3. Get paid twice a month, just like any other job.

Keep in mind, you can only earn up to the amount offered in your Work-Study award. If you don’t work, you won’t receive the money from the award. So, make the most of this opportunity!

Work-Study eligibility is based on financial need, with priority given to students who need the most help paying for school. You’ll also need to meet general financial aid requirements to qualify—and to keep your Work-Study job, you’ll need to maintain those requirements throughout the year.

Here’s how to stay eligible:

  • Stay enrolled at least half-time. If you drop below half-time during the fall, spring, or summer semesters, you can’t be paid for any hours worked after that. No exceptions.
  • Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress standards. Keep up your grades and complete enough of your classes to remain in good standing.
  • Be registered for classes. Work-Study money can only be earned during the semester it’s awarded. If you want to work between semesters, you must be approved for Work-Study and enrolled at least half-time for the next semester.

By following these guidelines, you can continue earning your Work-Study award and make the most of this opportunity.

You’ll need to apply for Work-Study every academic year to stay eligible. Here’s what to do:

  1. Complete your FAFSA: Your FAFSA results determine if you qualify for Work-Study funds, so make sure to submit it as soon as possible.
  2. Request Work-Study funding: Submit the Work-Study Offer Request form to apply for Work-Study funding.

If you’re already in a Work-Study job and want to keep it for the next school year, talk to your supervisor before leaving for summer break to confirm your spot.

After you submit the Work-Study Offer Request Form, the Financial Aid office will review your eligibility. Once a decision is made, you’ll receive an email to your Hawkeye email with the results. If you’re eligible, your Work-Study Offer will be added to your Financial Aid package, which you can view in your Financial Aid Self-Service.

Remember, being offered Work-Study doesn’t guarantee a job or that you’ll earn the full amount offered—it’s up to you to secure a position and work the necessary hours.

  • Work-Study funds are awarded based on financial need. To apply for a Work-Study job, you must first receive a Work-Study award email.
  • You can only work in one Work-Study job at a time. If you need to switch jobs or end your employment, refer to the Student Employment Handbook [PDF] for guidance.
  • Since funding is limited, it’s possible that there may be more students awarded Work-Study than available jobs. If there’s a specific department where you’d like to work that isn’t set up for Work-Study, encourage the staff or faculty member to contact the Financial Aid office. We can determine if the position could be funded through Work-Study.
  • Hawkeye Community College requires all employees to pass a background check before starting work.
  • Once you secure a Work-Study job, both you and your supervisor must complete the Employee Hire Checklist to get started.

Position Department Wage
Student Ambassador Admissions: Ambassadors $11.75
Ag Department /Meat Lab Assistant Animal Science $12.75
Photo Cage Attendant Applied Arts & Human Studies $10.75
DMM Crib Attendant Applied Arts & Human Studies $10.75
Video Editing and Web Design Applied Sciences & Technology $12.75
Rusty the RedTail Mascot Athletics & Recreation $11.75
Rusty the RedTail Handler Athletics & Recreation $11.75
Recreation Student Life Assistant Athletics & Recreation $10.75
Student Leadership Council Athletics & Recreation $10.75
Student Activities Assistant Athletics & Recreation $10.75
Automotive Shop Assistant Auto Tech $11.75
Automation & Robotics Lab Assistant Business & Community Education $12.75
Business & Community Education Office Assistant Business & Community Education $10.75
Admin & Finance/Business Office Business Office $10.75
Child Care Assistant/Helper Business Services $12.75
Infection Control Assistant for Dental Clinic Dental Assisting $11.75
Farm Herdsman Farm $12.75
Financial Aid Office Student Assistant Financial Aid $10.75
Humanities Humanities $10.75
Facilities Maintenance Helper Maintenance $11.75
Medical Assisting - Student Assistant Medical Assistant $10.75
Sustainable Construction & Design Work Study Sustainable Construction & Design $11.75


The Financial Aid office is in charge of awarding aid and making sure federal, state, and school policies are followed.

Departments post Work-Study job openings on the Hawkeye Community College Financial Aid website. The Financial Aid office does not recommend or represent employers, nor does it guarantee job information.

Students are responsible for checking each off-campus employer’s hiring and work practices.

The Financial Aid office offers advice on employment practices to departments and agencies but is not responsible for making sure they follow them.

Contact Us

Financial Aid

Main Campus
Hawkeye Center 118
800-670-4769 ext.4020
319-209-9239 (text only)
319-296-4495 (fax)
Email Financial Aid

Schedule an Appointment

Regular Hours — Spring 2025

Monday – Friday 8 AM – 4:30 PM