Flexible, Interactive Training for Real-World Skills
Hawkeye is proud to offer Amatrol's extensive library of lessons and training solutions.
As a global leader in career and technical education (CTE), Amatrol provides interactive eLearning solutions used in all 50 states and over 50 countries. Their team of industry experts, educators, and designers develops high-quality training that prepares learners for real-world skills.
With a flexible, skills-focused approach, our training allows learners to build confidence and master real-world applications.
Flexible Training
- Choose training modules based on experience, skills, and goals.
- Learn at your own pace – repeat tough topics and move quickly through familiar ones.
Interactive & Hands-On Learning
- Engage with interactive exercises and simulations
- Practice with real industrial equipment at the Center, guided by Hawkeye instructors.
- Train safely without disrupting production or risking equipment damage.
Process Tracking
- Assessments available through a web portal to measure learning progress.
- Deliver pre- and post-test to guage learner progress.
- Collect and display learner analytics.