Corporate and Business Solutions

Providing Quality Training to the Cedar Valley

Hawkeye Community College is dedicated to providing flexible training solutions to corporations and businesses in the Cedar Valley.

Let us help you achieve your business goals and your business succeed. When you invest in your employees you are investing in your business.







Why Choose Hawkeye for Your Business

Explore Funding Resources for Your Business

Training and education are necessary to remain competitive. A variety of resources are available to help you or your business meet your training or education needs.

The Iowa Industrial New Jobs Training Program (260E) can provide flexible funding to your business for employee training and development if new positions or new jobs are created within the state.

To be eligible for funding, your business must:

  • Be located in or relocating to Iowa.
  • Engage in interstate or intrastate commerce for the purpose of manufacturing, assembling, warehousing, wholesaling or conducting research and development.
  • Create new positions or jobs.
  • Not have closed or reduced employment at other business sites in Iowa to relocate the same operation to another area of the state.
Learn More About 260E

The Iowa Jobs Training Program (260F) helps businesses fund training for current employees. Remain competitive within your industry by providing your workers with resources to maximize their skills and productivity.

To be eligible for funding, your business must:

  • Be located in or relocating to Iowa.
  • Engage in interstate or intrastate commerce for the purpose of manufacturing, assembling, warehousing, wholesaling, or conducting research and development.
  • Not have closed or reduced employment at other business sites in Iowa to relocate the same operation to another area of the state.
  • Pay Iowa withholding taxes for employees.
Learn more about 260f

The Accelerated Career Education (ACE) program is designed to provide businesses with an enhanced skilled workforce. This innovative program assists Iowa’s community colleges to either establish or expand programs that train individuals in the occupations most needed by Iowa businesses.

Learn More About ACE

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