WE Build Waterloo

Breaking Down Barriers While Building Our Community

WE Build Waterloo provides financial support to Introduction to Construction Trades Quality Pre-Apprenticeship, a recognized pre-apprenticeship program, where individuals learn high-demand construction skills and earn industry-recognized certifications while engaging in a residential construction or rehabilitation project of a home to later be sold to a local, lower-income families.

Additional Benefits

  • Increases the talent pipeline
  • Provides access to self-sustaining wages through education
  • Connects students and employers

Community Supported

WE Build Waterloo is made possible due to the generosity of our community. You can help in a variety of ways.

  • Time and Talent: skilled professionals can help with installation projects (ex. electrical, flooring, drywall, etc.) and student mentoring
  • Supplies: building materials, tools, and equipment
  • Financial: donations help fill the gaps

What You Get

Make a Gift to WE Build Waterloo

Our Donors


AmeriCorps Iowa    Rosemont Companies    Iowa's Certified Apprenticeship Programs

Otto Schoitz Foundation    Max and Helen Guernsey Charitable Foundation

Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa     Hawkeye Community College Foundation    US Bank Foundation

Lincoln Savings Bank     Dupaco RW Hoefer Foundation     Midamerican Energy Company

Campbell Supply Company     Sherwin Williams     IFC Studios + Kut Kings

Peters Construction Corporation

Ready to learn more?

Connect with our Workforce Development Coordinator by phone at 319-296-4296 ext.3110 or via email.

Contact Us

Workforce Training and Community Development

Automation and Robotics Center
TechWorks Campus
360 Westfield Ave
Waterloo, IA 50701

Map and Directions

319-232-2751 (fax)

TTY: Relay Iowa is a telecommunications service providing full telephone accessibility to people who are deaf, hard of hearing, and/or speech impaired.

Workforce Development Coordinator

Valerie Peterson
319-296-4296 ext.3110
Email Valerie Peterson

Career Pathway Navigator

Dawn Jorgenson
319-296-2329 ext.3113
Email Dawn Jorgenson

Construction Instructor

Jacob Ham
319-296-2329 ext.3112
Email Jacob Ham