Encounter God's Love
Chi Alpha exists to give every Hawkeye student an opportunity to encounter the love of God and grow with others. By joining Chi Alpha, you'll enjoy many benefits, including:
- Building lifelong friendships
- Growing in your faith with supportive friends
- Sharing the love of Jesus across the Hawkeye campus
Small Group Meetings
We gather on Wednesday orThursday evenings for student-led small groups on UNI's campus. All students are welcome to come. We connect with one another and talk about the Bible and how it applies to our lives.
You can check out the small group times and see which group is the best fit for you and fill out a connect card!
Worship Services
We join with the Chi Alpha at UNI for a worship service Tuesdays at 8 PM in Lang Hall Auditorium on the UNI campus.
Service Projects
Once a semester we collaborate with another student organization to do a service project.