Hawkeye Gamers Club

Social Club for Students Who Enjoy Playing Games

The club provides an opportunity for students with a common interest in games to gather and have fun. Members play a wide range of games: PC games, console games, board games, card games, and Tabletop RPG games. The exact games played at events vary by member attendance.


Membership is free and open to all Hawkeye Community College students. Members must sign a form each semester. Members need to help the club officers to meet the club requirements for Student Activities.

Gamers Club Events

All events are announced on our club's Discord server. Also check out the Hawkeye Community College Gamers Club Facebook group to stay up to date and for more event information.

We host a 24-hour LAN party about once a month during the school year. These events typically start around 3 PM on Friday and end around 3 PM the following Saturday, with a quiet room available for sleeping overnight if needed. The club will provide a few TVs, ethernet cables, switches, and internet access for these events. Anything else that is needed will need to be brought by attendees. Fee: $8.

Each May, the club hosts a 48-hour LAN party. The fees gathered from other LAN parties throughout the year are pooled to buy prizes for this big LAN party. Typically, we give away over $1,000 worth of prizes at this event. The fee is to be determined but will cost more than the monthly events. Fee: TBA

We have had an enormous surge in interest in playing Dungeons & Dragons over the last few years, so we've set up ways to play Dungeons & Dragons online as well as in person.

Come gather and play board games, party games, and card games! The games played vary depending on what games are brought by attendees. These events are held on scheduled Fridays from 3 – 10 PM.

Club Contacts

Club Advisor

MJ Nelson
Main Campus
Black Hawk Hall 112
319-296-2329 ext.1122
Email MJ Nelson

Student Activities

Main Campus
Brock Student Center
Email Student Activities

Regular Hours — Spring 2025

Monday – Thursday 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM