After receiving the instructor’s notification, the student may:
Respond to the instructor’s allegation and meet with the instructor to attempt resolution.
The student must respond and seek resolution with the instructor within seven calendar days of the instructor’s notification.
If a mutually agreeable resolution is achieved, the student may remain active in the class.
If a mutually agreeable resolution is not achieved, the instructor’s decision regarding score/grade reduction on the graded item will be enforced.
Appeal the instructor’s decision directly to the Academic Appeals Review Board (see Academic Appeals Review Board).
The appeal must be filed within seven days of the instructor’s notification of the violation.
The appeal must be filed with the Dean of Students. An appeal form is available through the Student Services Office.
Pending an outcome of an academic integrity matter, the student shall remain active in class. If the course instructor determines additional measures are necessary (for instance, if the student’s pending academic integrity violation was due to collaboration, collusion, or the student is likely to re-offend), the instructor must contact the Dean of Students, Vice President of Student Affairs, or Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs to determine whether restrictions from class activities or other protective measures are warranted. If so, the student will be given the opportunity to be heard on whether any measures should be imposed.
Academic Appeals Review Board
If the Dean of Students receives a student’s appeal of an instructor’s decision, the Academic Appeals Review Board will be notified of the appeal and will meet to consider it. Both student and instructor will be notified by the Dean of Students of the date and time of the Board hearing.
If the student and/or the instructor cannot attend, the Board will still consider the appeal based on the information provided on the Academic Integrity Violation Report and the Academic Integrity Violation-Student Appeal Form.
The decision of the Academic Appeals Review Board is final. The Dean of Students, in consultation with the Vice President of Student Affairs and the Provost/Vice-President of Academic Affairs, will notify the student and the instructor of the final decision in writing.
The Academic Appeals Review Board is comprised of:
- Dean of Students (presiding)
- At least three faculty representatives selected from the Academic Standards Committee
- One Student Leadership Council representative
- Registrar or designee (serving as ex officio)