Student Conduct

Guidelines for Student Behavior and Conduct

At Hawkeye Community College, we are committed to creating a positive and respectful learning environment. Our Student Conduct policies are designed to ensure that all students can thrive academically and personally. This page outlines the expectations for behavior, as well as the procedures for addressing any concerns or violations.

Academic Integrity

The integrity of an academic program and degree rests on the principle that the grades awarded to students must reflect only their own individual efforts and achievement.

Students are required to perform the work specified by the instructor and are responsible for the content of work submitted, such as papers, reports, examinations, and other work. Violations of academic integrity include various types of plagiarism and cheating.

Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to:

  • Using exact words from a source without appropriate crediting.
  • Cutting and pasting electronically from any source without appropriate crediting.
  • Using wording and/or sentence structure too close to the original in paraphrasing.
  • Using visual images in whole or in part created by someone else without appropriate crediting.
  • Buying a paper and presenting any part of it as your own.
  • Borrowing any part of a paper and presenting it as your own without appropriate crediting.
  • Falsifying or inventing any information or citation in an academic exercise.

Cheating includes, but is not limited to:

  • Obtaining or giving assistance in any academic work such as on quizzes, tests, homework, etc., without instructor’s consent.
  • Taking a test or course or turning in work for someone else.
  • Allowing someone to take a test or course or turn in work in your name.
  • Using crib notes or electronic devices to get unauthorized assistance on tests or other in-class work.
  • Using work from another class or previous semester without instructor consent.
  • Uploading or file-sharing of any intellectual property, such as faculty-created course materials/documents.

Academic integrity violations will be addressed by the course instructor with the student within seven calendar days of the instructor’s discovery of the violation. The course instructor must give the student notice of the violation.

After notifying the student, the instructor may take measures such as:

  • Modifying or reducing a grade/score on a graded item.
  • Asking the student to complete new or additional work.
  • Assigning a course grade of F. An instructor may only assign a course grade of F after consulting with the instructor’s academic dean.*

The instructor must complete the Academic Integrity Violation Report [PDF] and file it with the Dean of Students and their academic dean when:

  1. The situation cannot be resolved between the instructor and student, including when the student files an appeal; and/or
  2. Every time the instructor assigns a course grade of F. If an Academic Integrity Violation Report is filed, a copy shall also go to the student.

*In the case of an academic integrity violation, an assigned grade of F or FW for the course takes precedence over a course withdrawal received by the Registrar's Office.

Further Discipline/Student Conduct Code

Upon receipt of an Academic Integrity Violation Report, an academic dean and/or Dean of Students may file charges against the student to seek additional disciplinary sanctions, including, but not limited to:

  • Removal from the academic program
  • Suspension
  • Expulsion

If such a charge is filed, the remainder of the matter will be heard subject to the provisions of the College’s Student Conduct Code. The other procedures contained in this policy will not apply, and the matter cannot be heard concurrently by the Academic Integrity Review Board.

After receiving the instructor’s notification, the student may:

  • Respond to the instructor’s allegation and meet with the instructor to attempt resolution.

    • The student must respond and seek resolution with the instructor within seven calendar days of the instructor’s notification.

    • If a mutually agreeable resolution is achieved, the student may remain active in the class.

    • If a mutually agreeable resolution is not achieved, the instructor’s decision regarding score/grade reduction on the graded item will be enforced.

  • Appeal the instructor’s decision directly to the Academic Appeals Review Board (see Academic Appeals Review Board).

    • The appeal must be filed within seven days of the instructor’s notification of the violation.

    • The appeal must be filed with the Dean of Students. An appeal form is available through the Student Services Office.

Pending an outcome of an academic integrity matter, the student shall remain active in class. If the course instructor determines additional measures are necessary (for instance, if the student’s pending academic integrity violation was due to collaboration, collusion, or the student is likely to re-offend), the instructor must contact the Dean of Students, Vice President of Student Affairs, or Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs to determine whether restrictions from class activities or other protective measures are warranted. If so, the student will be given the opportunity to be heard on whether any measures should be imposed.

Academic Appeals Review Board

If the Dean of Students receives a student’s appeal of an instructor’s decision, the Academic Appeals Review Board will be notified of the appeal and will meet to consider it. Both student and instructor will be notified by the Dean of Students of the date and time of the Board hearing.

If the student and/or the instructor cannot attend, the Board will still consider the appeal based on the information provided on the Academic Integrity Violation Report and the Academic Integrity Violation-Student Appeal Form.

The decision of the Academic Appeals Review Board is final. The Dean of Students, in consultation with the Vice President of Student Affairs and the Provost/Vice-President of Academic Affairs, will notify the student and the instructor of the final decision in writing.

The Academic Appeals Review Board is comprised of:

  • Dean of Students (presiding)
  • At least three faculty representatives selected from the Academic Standards Committee
  • One Student Leadership Council representative
  • Registrar or designee (serving as ex officio)

Alcohol-Free and Drug-Free Campus

Hawkeye strives to provide an alcohol-free and drug-free campus to promote optimal learning. The possession, consumption, and use of alcoholic beverages, or any controlled substance on any Hawkeye property is inconsistent with the educational philosophy of Hawkeye.

Possession, consumption, and use of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances is not allowed unless items are used as a part of an approved educational program. Hawkeye controlled finances cannot be used for the purchase or sale of these items on or off Hawkeye's property unless items are used as a part of an approved educational program.

The possession of illegal drugs is not permitted on Hawkeye's property or while you are participating in a Hawkeye sponsored event off campus. Violations will result in disciplinary action and may have legal consequences as defined by federal, state, and local laws. (Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, P.L. 100-690)

Federal law provides that a student who has been convicted of an offense under any federal or state law involving the possession or sale of a controlled substance during a period of enrollment for which the student was receiving financial aid shall not be eligible to receive any federal or institutional grant, loan, or work assistance.

Controlled substances include, but are not limited to illegal and prescription drugs.

It is illegal for any person to:

  • Manufacture, deliver, or possess a controlled substance.
  • Possess with the intent to manufacture or deliver a controlled substance.
  • Enter into a common scheme or design with, or conspire with one or more other persons to manufacture, deliver, or possess with intent to manufacture or deliver a controlled substance.
  • Possess with intent to deliver a counterfeit or simulated controlled substance.

Offenses of controlled substances and penalties are described in full in Chapter 124 of the State of Iowa Code.

Information about alcohol/drug laws and penalties in the state of Iowa can be found in the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report [PDF].

Violations may result in simple, aggravated, or serious misdemeanors, or class C and D felony charges. Federal drug trafficking penalties can be found online.

Students will be disciplined according to Hawkeye's disciplinary policies.

It is illegal to use or consume alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer on public streets or highways or in any public place except on premises covered by a liquor control license.

A person cannot be intoxicated or simulate intoxication in a public place.

Offenses of public intoxication and penalties are described in full in Chapter 123.46 of the State of Iowa Code. Information about alcohol/drug laws and penalties in the state of Iowa can be found in the annual security and fire safety report. Violations may result in a simple misdemeanor. Students will be disciplined according to Hawkeye's disciplinary policies.

Hawkeye recognizes alcohol and other drug abuse as a potential health, safety, and security problem. Drug and/or alcohol use can lead to abuse and addiction. Continued use can lead to serious health problems and may even lead to death.

Alcohol and Drug Recovery and Prevention Resources

For more information about our Alcohol and Drug Policies, please refer to the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report [PDF] and the Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Biennial Review [PDF].

Tobacco-Free Campus

Smoking and all forms of tobacco use are not allowed inside any Hawkeye owned or leased building, vehicle, or on any Hawkeye property. It is in the best interest of Hawkeye to provide a tobacco-free environment in public educational facilities for students, employees, and visitors.

Smoking is considered to be the inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lit cigar, cigarette, pipe, other tobacco product in any manner in any form, including chewing tobacco. The use of electronic cigarettes, vaping devices, and any other device that allows you to smoke or simulates smoking is also prohibited.

Hawkeye has had a long standing policy of being a tobacco-free campus. The use of any tobacco product or any device that allows you to smoke or simulates smoking is not allowed on Hawkeye property. You must completely leave Hawkeye property to smoke, use tobacco, or any device that simulates smoking.


Any student, employee, or visitor who violates the policy shall be subject to civil penalties outlined in the Smoke-Free Air Act. The Iowa Department of Public Health will enforce the law with compliance from Hawkeye.

If you are smoking or using tobacco on campus, you will be asked to stop smoking or using tobacco immediately. If you continue to smoke or use tobacco, you will be asked to leave the campus. If you refuse to leave the campus, local law enforcement officials may be contacted. You may receive a citation and a civil fine from a law enforcement official.

Smoking Cessation

If you would like or need help to quit smoking, you can contact Quit for Life for assistance. Telephone counseling is free to Iowans.

Readmission After Suspension or Expulsion

Disciplinary Suspension / Expulsion

If you have been suspended or expelled from Hawkeye for conduct or disciplinary reasons, you must schedule an appointment with the dean of students to be considered for readmission to Hawkeye. Each case will be individually discussed with the Vice President of Student Affairs.

Suspended or Expelled from a School District or Another College

If you have been suspended or expelled from a school district or from another college or university for conduct or disciplinary reasons, your application for admission will not be considered until six months after your date of expulsion or suspension.

You must meet with the dean of students to be considered for admission to Hawkeye. Each case will be discussed with the Vice President of Student Affairs.

Appropriate Clothing

Dress and personal appearance should be in good taste, consistent with an adult, professional atmosphere. It should reflect the respect you have for yourself and Hawkeye.

You are expected to wear clothing appropriate to the program you are enrolled in. Some programs of study require a standard uniform each day or on specified days. Proper clothing and uniform standards will be determined by your instructor or academic dean.


Student Services

Main Campus
Hawkeye Center 208
Email Student Services

Dean of Students

Norman Coley
Main Campus
Hawkeye Center 208
Email Norman Coley