Institutional Overview

Our Mission, Vision, and Pledge


Empowering students, strengthening businesses, and enriching communities.


Improving the quality of life in the communities we serve.

Our Pledge

As a college we will provide focus, meaning, and the skills necessary for qualified individuals to live competently in their communities.

At Hawkeye Community College We Believe:

Institutional Goals

To effectively demonstrate our mission, we are committed to provide:

  • Educational opportunities that are student centered, comprehensive, and responsive to the individual and society.
  • Leadership activities that support a dynamic framework for students, faculty, staff and the community to reach their potential.
  • Quality services to each qualified individual.
  • Access sensitivity to diversity, support for equal opportunities for all qualified individuals.
  • Cooperative community relationships which foster human, social, cultural, economic, and civic development.

Institutional Learning Outcomes

  • Locate, retrieve, interpret, and use information effectively
  • Acquire, evaluate, analyze, and synthesize information
  • Apply the principles of the scientific method
  • Develop skills in problem-solving, logical thinking, and sound reasoning
  • Apply mathematical processes

  • Convey information through verbal, written, technological, or visual means
  • Use creative expression to convey ideas

  • Utilize and acquire workforce readiness skills — technical and/or soft skills
  • Apply the principles of mathematics, science, humanities, and technology in personal, academic, and working-world situations

  • Recognize and appreciate diversity and the global perspective
  • Work collaboratively as a member of a team
  • Make ethical decisions
  • Demonstrate social responsibility
  • Engage in leadership activities
  • Demonstrate skills such as self-awareness and self-advocacy

Impact, Strategy, and Key Insights