Strategic Plan (2021-2025)

A Word From the President

Community colleges have a special role in higher education, unique from other institutions. We are called to serve the needs of individuals, businesses, and communities in our district. At Hawkeye Community College, we are proud to be able to do so.

Working Together for a Better Community, our new strategic plan, provides the framework for the most important work we will do: helping those we serve reach the goals they strive to achieve. It will help shape the college’s future and establish Hawkeye as a place where individuals turn for education, training, and career skills.

Developed with a renewed sense of passion and excitement from our campus community and business partners, our strategic plan supports our new vision and mission for the college and reaffirms our commitment to those we serve.

As we focus on the needs of our students, businesses, and communities, our overarching initiatives include:

  • Creating a diverse and inclusive culture for learning and upward mobility.
  • Providing education opportunities to meet the needs of our workforce.
  • Developing career pathways to ensure student and community success.

We will build upon our strengths, address our weaknesses, and work to realize our full potential. We look forward to developing partnerships, creating opportunities, and investing in our future.

Our strategic plan, Working Together for a Better Community, is the result of the collaborative efforts of the steering committee and input from students, business leaders, community members, and employees. Our Board of Trustees provided feedback throughout the process and approved the plan in November 2020.

Working Together for a Better Community will help make our communities a better place to live, work, and raise a family.

Dr. Todd Holcomb
Hawkeye Community College President

Our Mission

Empowering students, strengthening businesses, and enriching communities.

Our Vision

Improving the quality of life in the communities we serve.

Creating the Plan — A Journey Together

From the beginning of this process, we wanted our strategic plan to be a Journey Together.

Engaging Our Community




Faculty & Staff Members


Community Members


Community Leaders

  • Surveying 250+ students to understand the best and most challenging parts of their journey to and through Hawkeye Community College.
  • Conducting focus groups with over 100 faculty and staff.
  • Offering virtual engagement sessions for community members in which over 50 attended.
  • Conducting 10 one-on-one interviews with school, business, and community leaders from diverse backgrounds and insights.

Those in-depth and illuminating engagements have led to this plan. A plan for how Hawkeye goes on a journey together with our students, businesses, and communities.




We will have a deep understanding of our students' needs by providing inclusive relevant education, and the support services to be successful.


We will develop partnerships and programs to provide professional experiences for individuals to improve economic inclusion and mobility.


We will make educational opportunities accessible to everyone, and focus our resources in areas that have the greatest impact on our communities.


We will become a diverse, equitable, and inclusive college by learning to identify, appreciate, and respect our differences.


We will create opportunities for all students to engage in the community, gain professional experience, and develop the skills of an active citizen.


We will work with businesses to build a skilled workforce to meet their current and future needs.


Hawkeye Community College will provide leadership, expertise, and bring communities together on key issues of education, access, and inclusion.


We will collectively be responsible for advancing Hawkeye Community College’s mission, removing barriers, and providing access for all students, businesses, and communities.


We will commit to implementing Guided Pathways and providing students a personalized and successful college experience.


We will meet business needs with leading-edge curriculum and instructional modalities to train and to get individuals into the workforce


We will be a leader and a catalyst in helping our communities reach their goals and prosper.


We will align internal policies and practices with the desire to work together to advance our mission and help all students, businesses, and communities reach their goals.