Graduates may arrive for check-in up to 90 minutes before the ceremony begins and must complete check-in at least 30 minutes prior to the start time. The ceremony will begin promptly as scheduled.
Graduate Entrance
Graduates should enter through the ticket office entrance, located between the UNI Dome and McLeod Center on the west side. There is a Panther statue in front of the entrance. No guests will be able to enter through these doors at that time.
Name Card
At check-in you will receive a card with your name on it. This is the card you will hand the reader as you go on stage to receive your award. To help ensure your name is pronounced correctly, especially if it might be unfamiliar to the reader, please provide the phonetic spelling on the card. You can also visit with the reader after you check in.
After checking in, you will be directed to line up in the UNI-Dome ahead of the Commencement Ceremony.
Graduates will line up, process in, and be seated with their program/major and by their highest degree.