Suspension Appeal

Financial Aid Suspension Status Appeal Process

If your financial aid has been suspended because you did not meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements, you may have the option to appeal.

You can file a suspension appeal if there were special or unexpected circumstances that impacted your ability to meet SAP standards. These circumstances might include:

  • Serious illness or medical issues
  • Family emergencies
  • Personal challenges or hardships
  • Other significant life events

Appealing gives you a chance to explain your situation and request a second chance to maintain your financial aid.

The Satisfactory Academic Progress Worksheet is an optional tool that you can complete. It helps you understand why you’ve been placed on Financial Aid Suspension. By identifying the causes, you can take steps to prevent future suspensions.

  1. Complete the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form: On the appeal form, you’ll explain why you didn’t meet the SAP standards and what has changed since then. Be sure to include documentation to support your appeal, such as:
    • Medical records or doctor’s notes
    • Death certificates or obituaries
    • Letters from counselors, advisors, or others familiar with your situation
  2. Meet with Your Academic Advisor: Schedule a meeting with your academic advisor to develop a plan for getting back on track. This could include steps like improving your grades, adjusting your schedule, or utilizing campus resources.

Note: Appeals for the current semester will be accepted and reviewed up to 30 calendar days after the semester begins. Appeals submitted after this deadline will be considered for the following semester. Check Financial Aid Dates and Deadlines for specific dates.

  • Review Process: Your appeal will be reviewed by the Financial Aid Appeals Committee.
  • Decision Notification: You’ll receive an email with the committee’s decision, so be sure to monitor your inbox.
  • If Approved:
    • You’ll be placed on either Financial Aid Probation or an Academic Plan and must meet specific requirements to maintain your aid.
    • Required Next Step: Read, sign, and return the Acknowledgement email. Your financial aid eligibility will only be reinstated once we receive your signed acknowledgment. If you don’t return the acknowledgment email, your financial aid status will remain in suspension status.
    • Availability of Funds: Reinstatement of your financial aid is subject to the availability of funds at the time your appeal is approved.
  • If Denied:
    • Responsibility for Costs: You’ll need to cover your educational expenses until you meet SAP standards again.
    • Opportunity to Respond: The email notification you receive will outline the reasons for the denial. You’ll have 30 days to provide additional documentation or information that wasn’t included in your initial appeal. If you don’t submit additional documentation within 30 days, your next chance to appeal will be for the next semester.

Contact Us

Financial Aid

Main Campus
Hawkeye Center 118
800-670-4769 ext.4020
319-209-9239 (text only)
319-296-4495 (fax)
Email Financial Aid

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Regular Hours — Spring 2025

Monday – Friday 8 AM – 4:30 PM