Withdrawing From Classes or Changing Your Program

Thinking About Making Schedule Changes?

Withdrawing from classes or changing your program or major can negatively impact your financial aid eligibility—and could leave you with a bill or require you to pay back unearned aid.

Before you withdraw from a class, connect with Financial Aid to understand how it will affect your current and future aid.

What Happens If You Withdraw?

  • A Balance on Your Student Account: You only earn financial aid for the time you attend class. If you withdraw or stop attending before completing a semester, you may owe a balance on your account. Federal regulations require a Return of Title IV (R2T4) calculation to determine the aid you’ve earned.
  • Financial Aid Warning or Suspension: Withdrawing could put you on financial aid warning or suspension due to Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress guidelines.
  • Your Loans Entering Repayment: If you fall below six credit hours or withdraw completely, your federal loans will go into repayment.

Also see Reasons Why Your Offer May Be Adjusted

Contact Us

Financial Aid

Main Campus
Hawkeye Center 118
800-670-4769 ext.4020
319-209-9239 (text only)
319-296-4495 (fax)
Email Financial Aid

Schedule an Appointment

Regular Hours — Spring 2025

Monday – Friday 8 AM – 4:30 PM