Resources and Referrals for Adult Education and Literacy Students

Support for Your Success

Hawkeye's Academic Career Education Specialist is here to help students who face challenges in reaching their goals. Check out our list of community and college resources and services for support.

Little Free Pantry

Free pantry food items are available at the Van G. Miller Adult Learning Center on the second floor at the end of the hallway.

Northeast Iowa Food Bank

1605 Lafayette Street
Waterloo, Iowa 50703

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

SNAP provides nutrition benefits and assistance to qualifying families.

Apply online or print and submit a paper application [PDF].

Operation Threshold — WIC Program

Operation Threshold's WIC program provides nutrition benefits and assistance to qualifying families.


Tri-County Head Start

Tri-County Head Start provides income-based childcare for qualifying families for children ages 0-4. Childcare and childcare partnership locations available throughout the Cedar Valley.


Apply online to enroll in Tri-County Head Start

Iowa Childcare Resource and Referral

Search for childcare options based on where you live.

Call: 855-244-5301

Text: IAchildcare to 59925 to connect with online referral options

Hawkeye Child Development Center — EPI

The Hawkeye Child Development Center at the Van G. Miller Adult Learning Center is a program of EPI created through a partnership with Hawkeye Community College for children who are infant through preschool age.


Eye of the Needle

Eye of the Needle provides baby essentials, bus passes and gas cards, food boxes/essentials, furniture/appliances, minor home repair, in-home support, kitchen essentials, medical supplies, moving assistance, shoes, and transportation.

Call to make an appointment: 319-215-6151.

St. Vincent De Paul

320 Broadway Street
Waterloo, Iowa 50703


Salvation Army

89 Franklin Street
Waterloo, Iowa 50703


Operation Threshold — Rental Units (Independence and Waterloo)

Find rental units in Independence and Waterloo. Section 8 is welcome. Waterloo units are 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Independence units are 2 bedroom townhouses.


Operation Threshold Rental Application [PDF]

Operation Threshold — Safe and Stable Housing Program

The Operation Threshold — Safe and Stable Housing Program provides short-term emergency assistance that meets a basic need as well as addresses barriers that prevent low-income families from accessing or maintaining safe and stable housing. Examples include security deposit assistance, health/safety assistance, rent assistance or other crisis needs that impact a households ability to access or maintain safe and stable housing.


House Christian Community Development (House of Hope)

A two year transitional housing program to help single mothers achieve a greater education and financial stability.


Apply online for House of Hope housing

Waterloo Housing — Section 8

Waterloo Housing — Section 8 helps low-income households with rental payments for safe, affordable, and sanitary housing.


Apply online for Waterloo Housing — Section 8

Friends of the Family

Friends of the Family provides assistance through different programs to qualified individuals to help overcome barriers to maintaining stable housing such as rental assistance, case management, and advocacy.


Salvation Army

The Salvation Army provides assistance and shelter after an eviction.


Cedar Valley Hospitality House

The Cedar Valley Hospitality House is a daytime homeless shelter that provides breakfast, lunch, shower facilities, computer and phone access, free clothes, agency advocacy, and light meals on the weekends.


Operation Threshold — Crisis and Utility Assistance

Operation Threshold — Crisis and Utility Assistance provides financial assistance on a limited basis to households facing crisis situations such as utility disconnection, emergency fuel deliveries, air conditioning repair (homeowners only) and furnace repair/replacement.

Call: 319-291-2065


Operation Threshold — Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Operation Threshold — Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program supplements the high cost of winter heating for low-income households, provides emergency furnace repairs or replacement for income qualifying homeowners.

Call: 319-291-2065 or 319-334-6081


Operation Threshold — Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)

The Operation Threshold — Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program helps eligible households pay past due water bills and reconnection fees.

Call: 319-291-2065


Operation Threshold — Weatherization Program

The Operation Threshold — Weatherization Program helps reduce the heating and cooling costs in an effort to reduce energy consumption and increase comfort in eligible participant homes. Available Weatherization benefits include: Insulation, furnace repair or replacement, water heater repair and replacement, and safety checks for gas leaks.


ACE-SAP Free Clinic

ACE-SAP Free Clinic provides care by registered nurses who are students in Allen College's nurse practitioner program (supervised by a certified nurse practitioner instructor.)

No appointment is needed, but appointments are encouraged if you have special needs such as specific immunizations or need an interpreter.


Peoples Community Health Clinic

Peoples Community Health Clinic services


Pathways Behavioral Services

Pathways services


iHope Clinic

iHope Clinic provides low-cost medical and mental health services.


Catholic Charities Immigration Services

Catholic Charities USA Immigration and Refugee Services


Iowa Legal Aid

Search for your Issue on


Operation Threshold — Family Development Self-Sufficiency (FaDSS)

Operation Threshold — Family Development Self-Sufficiency is an intensive, voluntary, one-on-one case management program to assist families receiving FIP with transitioning from welfare to work or assisting families with mental health issues. Families receive intensive case management including home visits, support (referrals, groups, linkages, and advocacy), assessment (identifying and building upon strengths), and goal setting.


Operation Threshold — Nest

An incentive based program for income-eligible families that are pregnant or have children 0-5. Participants earn incentive points for healthy behaviors such as keeping doctor appointments and attending parent and preventative educational classes. The points are then redeemed for incentive items such as diapers and wipes.


Operation Threshold — Parents as Teachers

Provides voluntary early childhood, parent education, and family support programs. Serving families from the beginning of pregnancy until children enter preschool.


Operation Threshold — Pocket Change

Provides financial assistance to households in need of attaining or retaining self-sufficiency when other assistance is not available. Examples include car repairs, bus passes, funds to get copies of birth certificates, test/class fees, or other situations that are job or education related.

Call: 319-291-2065




Van G. Miller Adult Learning Center

120 Jefferson Street
Waterloo, IA 50701
319-296-4271 (fax)
Email Adult Education

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Academic Career Education Specialist

Christina Tafolla
319-296-4278 ext.2035
Email Christina Tafolla

Transition Specialist

Emily Luttrell-Narigon
319-296-4278 ext.2002
Email Emily Luttrell-Narigon