If you’re concerned about the mental or physical well-being of a student, the student is exhibiting signs of distress, or you feel uneasy about the situation and this is not an emergency, please complete the Care Team referral.
Care Team Referral Form
The Care Team strives to maintain student privacy. When instances of sexual misconduct, harm to self, or harm to others are present, the Care Team is required to report to the appropriate office.
Submitting an anonymous concern makes it harder for the college to fully investigate and help students who may need support. We ask that you fill out all parts of the referral form as completely as you can.
It's not required, but it can be helpful to tell the student you're referring them. This way, they know to expect support and can be ready for it.
Referring someone to the Care Team helps us connect the student to support. These connections focus on their education, wellness, and safety. This is not a punishment system.
The Care Team will only contact you if needed. If you have more information about the student and want to update the Care Team, please submit another referral with the new details.
Sarah KenkelMain CampusStudent ServicesHawkeye Center 208319-296-4053Email Sarah Kenkel
Norman ColeyMain CampusHawkeye Center 208319-296-4448Email Norman Coley
Main CampusHawkeye Center 216 319-296-4234 Email Public Safety