Online Resources

Access College Tools and Resources Online

With Hawkeye’s online tools, you can easily manage college tasks, access courses and personal information, and stay informed, ensuring you stay on top of your education.

We suggest logging into My Hawkeye and checking your Hawkeye email at least once a week, as many emails and notifications are time-sensitive.

What's My Hawkeye Username and Password?


Self-Service makes it simple for you to take care of important tasks online. You can register for classes, check your grades, pay tuition, manage financial aid, and update your personal information—all in one spot and whenever it works for you.

Related Resources

  • Billing Statement(s): View charges and payments in Self-Service: Student Finance
  • Make a Payment: Self-Service: Student Finance
  • Direct Deposit: Sign up to deposit your financial aid refund check into your bank account, Self-Service: Banking Information

Related Resources

  • Manage your Financial Aid package from submission to completion: Self-Service: Financial Aid
  • Offer Letter: Self-Service: Financial Aid, My Awards
  • Accept/Reject Federal Loans: Self-Service: Financial Aid, My Awards
  • Additional Required Documents: Financial Aid may need additional documents to process your financial aid award. Requested documents will be listed in Self-Service: Financial Aid in the Checklist.

Related Resources

  • Update your Personal Information (name, address, email, and phone number, etc.): Self-Service, Click on the person icon in the blue bar at the top of the screen, About You
  • Access Your Test Scores: Self-Service, Menu icon, Academics icon, Test Summary

Canvas—Your Digital Classroom

Canvas is the online learning management system (LMS) used by Hawkeye to support your education. It offers social learning features and free apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android to keep you connected to your classes on the go.

All instructors will use Canvas for your classes, providing you with access to class materials and information. The level of use may vary by instructor and class format, but you can always expect to find the syllabus, grades, and the ability to interact with your instructor through the platform.

Resources To Help You Get Started

Access Canvas

Your Hawkeye Username and Password

Your Hawkeye username and password will give you access to My Hawkeye, your Hawkeye email and Google apps, Canvas, campus computers, and the network. You’ll use the same username and password for all of these tools.

Your username and password will be created once you’re accepted to the College. Instructions on how to set up your account will be included in your acceptance letter.

Your Hawkeye username is usually your firstname.lastname and is the same for all Hawkeye services, including My Hawkeye, your Hawkeye email and Google apps, Canvas, campus computers, and network access.

If you can't remember it, simply fill out this form to retrieve your username.

Look Up Your Hawkeye Username

Your initial password is "Hawkeye" followed by your six-digit birthdate. For example, if your birthday is January 4, 2002, your initial password will be Hawkeye010402.

After logging in, you'll be prompted to change your password. You’ll need to create a password/passphrase, which is a longer and more secure password option. Make sure to choose one that you can easily remember.

How to Create Your Password/Passphrase

If you've logged in this semester or the previous fall/spring semester, including if you've taken Hawkeye classes in high school, but can’t remember the password you set, you have several options to reset it:

  • Reset your password online

  • Reset your password in person: Stop by the Student Tutoring and Computer Lab or the Hawkeye Library. Be sure to bring a valid photo ID, such as your Hawkeye student ID or driver’s license, to confirm your identity.

  • Call to have your password reset: Be ready to answer a few questions to verify your identity.

    • Weekdays 8 AM – 4:30 PM, call the Student Tutoring and Computer Lab at 319-296-4029.
    • Evenings Monday–Friday and Sunday, call the Library at 319-296-4006. See the Library's regular hours.


You’ll need to create a password/passphrase, which is a longer and more secure password option. Make sure to choose one that you can easily remember.

How to Create Your Password/Passphrase

Need Help?

Student Tutoring and Computer Lab

Main Campus
Bremer Hall 127
Email the Student Tutoring and Computer Lab

Regular Hours — Spring 2025

Monday – Friday 8 AM – 4:30 PM