Borrowing Materials

Library Card and Borrowing Privileges

Your Hawkeye student ID serves as your library card, allowing you to check out an unlimited number of most library materials.

Use your Hawkeye student ID to:

  • Check out library materials
  • Access items from the Course Reserve Collection
  • Request an Interlibrary Loan
  • Enroll in the Library’s biometric system
  • Reset your Hawkeye password

To maintain student borrowing privileges, you must be enrolled in the current semester.

Members of the public can borrow many library materials through the Iowa Open Access program.

To get a Hawkeye Community College Library card, simply present a photo ID.

Borrowing privileges for the general public do NOT include:

  • Use of most reserve materials
  • Interlibrary loan service
  • Remote access to licensed electronic resources
  • Checkout of videos, however you can view videos in the library
  • Checkout of electronic devices such as laptops, etc.
  • Eligibility to enroll in the biometric system

Placing a Hold on Library Materials

You may request that an item that is checked out be held for your use when it is returned to the Library. The online library catalog will indicate when an item is due to be returned.

The staff at the Circulation Desk will place an item on reserve (also called a hold) for you, or you can do it online using the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the library’s online catalog.
  2. Search for the item you are interested in.
  3. Click the "Find in Library" link for the item you need.
  4. Click the “Request” link above the location and availability information.
  5. Ignore the “Material Type” and “Terms of Use” fields; however, if you need the item by a certain date, please indicate that in the “Not Needed After” date.
  6. Click the “Request” button.

If the status of the item is “AVAILABLE”, the item will be retrieved and placed on the hold shelf for you to pick up. If the item is checked out, the current patron may retain the item until the due date listed, but the item may not be renewed because you have requested it.

The library staff will call you to let you know when an item you requested is available for pickup.

Course Reserve Materials

Your instructors might place extra course materials on reserve at the Library. You can check out these materials at the Circulation Desk. The checkout time depends on your instructor’s rules, but most items are for two hours and can only be used in the Library.

Here’s what you’ll need to check out reserve materials:

  • Your Hawkeye student ID
  • Your instructor’s name
  • The title of the course reserve material

Laptop and Wi-Fi Hotspot Checkout

The Library offers a limited number of laptops and Wi-Fi hotspots for students to check out for use on campus or at home. Stop by the Circulation Desk for more details.

Wireless laptops are available at the Circulation Desk for students to use on campus.

You can borrow one for up to four hours with your Hawkeye student ID.

These laptops let you access your personal network drive, use Microsoft Office, browse the internet, and even print directly to the library printer—making it easy to get your work done!

Students can check out laptops for home use at the Circulation Desk for the entire semester.

To borrow a laptop, you'll need to present your Hawkeye student ID and sign a user agreement. Please note that violating the agreement's terms may result in the loss of borrowing privileges for all electronic devices.

The laptops are Wi-Fi compatible and come with Microsoft Office to help you complete your coursework.

Also check out our Wi-Fi hotspots available for checkout.

A limited number of Wi-Fi hotspots are available for students to check out with a Hawkeye student ID. These hotspots can be borrowed for the entire semester.

The hotspots use Sprint's network. Signal strength may vary depending on your location and proximity to a Sprint tower.

Request Books and Articles Not Available at Hawkeye

Interlibrary Loan is a free service for current Hawkeye students, faculty, and staff. Through Interlibrary Loan we can request books and articles that are not currently available at the Hawkeye Library. Thousands of U.S. libraries participate in a cooperative Interlibrary Loan system which greatly expands the number and availability of books and articles.

If you have a library fine of $20 or more, we won’t be able to process your Interlibrary Loan request until the fines are fully paid.

Search the library catalog to see if the book you are interested in is available at the Hawkeye Library.

If the book you are looking for is not available, complete an Interlibrary Loan Book Request form online or complete a paper request at the Reference Desk.

Allow 7–10 days for the requested book(s) to arrive. When we receive the books, we will notify you by phone and/or your Hawkeye email. If you have not been contacted within 10 days of your request, please contact the Hawkeye Library.

interlibrary loan book request form

The Hawkeye Library's online article databases provide citations and summaries for thousands of articles, with many available in full text. However, you may find that the entire text of an article you would like to read is not available online.

If you're searching in an EBSCOhost database and see a link with the citation that says "Request this item through interlibrary loan," just click the link, fill out the form, and submit your request.

If there's no Interlibrary Loan request link with the article you'd like to read, you can request it through Hawkeye. Just fill out the online Interlibrary Loan Article Request form or complete a paper request at the Reference Desk.

Allow 7–10 days for the requested article to arrive. When we receive the article, we'll notify you via your Hawkeye email. Articles will be delivered as an attached PDF file.

Interlibrary Loan Article Request

Interlibrary loan services rely on the cooperation of other libraries, so returning items on time is crucial. Late returns can harm Hawkeye Library’s relationships with the libraries that lend to us.

Please make sure to return items by their due date to avoid overdue fines and to help maintain our borrowing privileges with other libraries.

Returning materials: Interlibrary loan items should be returned to the Hawkeye Library Circulation Desk by the due date on the book strap attached to the item. Please keep the strap attached. The due date is set by the lending library.

Renewals: Renewals are allowed based on the lending library’s policies. If you need the item longer, request a renewal before it’s overdue, unless the strap notes that no renewals are allowed.

Courtesy notices: The Hawkeye Library may send you courtesy reminders about upcoming due dates or overdue items. Not receiving these notices doesn’t excuse you from returning the item on time.

Recalled materials: The lending library may recall materials at any time. Recalled materials must be returned immediately.

Overdue, lost, or damaged items: You will be billed for overdue, lost, or damaged items. Repeatedly overdue interlibrary loan items may result in suspension of your borrowing privileges.


Most items may be renewed three times. Videos, reserve items, and electronic devices may not be renewed. If a hold has been placed on an item, you will not be able to renew it.

Three Ways to Renew Library Materials

  • Online: Login to My Library Account.
  • In person: Present your Hawkeye Card at the Circulation Desk. You do not have to bring the items to the Library.
  • By phone: You will be asked for your name and either your Hawkeye Card number or library barcode number

Loan Periods, Fines, and Lost or Damaged Materials

Library fines are in place to encourage the timely return of materials. Although our fines are modest, over a period of several days, the fines can add up quickly, especially if you have several items overdue.

You are responsible for all items checked out using your Hawkeye student ID. If you check out items for someone else, any fines or fees for overdue or unreturned items will be charged to your student account.

Additionally, under Iowa Code sections 808.12 and 714.5, failing to return or concealing library materials is considered theft, and you may be held accountable for unreturned items.

Loan Periods and Fines

Type of Material Checkout Information Fine
(home use)

Checkout Period: Entire semester

Students can check out one laptop.

Laptops cannot be checked out to the general public.

$25.00 / day
Electronic Devices

Checkout Period: Entire semester

Students can check out one electronic device.

Electronic devices cannot be checked out to the general public.

$25.00 / day
References Checkout not allowed.  

Checkout period determined by faculty member placing the item on reserve.

Most reserve items cannot be checked out to the general public.

Generally $1.00 / day

Checkout Period: 4 weeks; 3 day loan for popular videos.

Videos cannot be checked out to the general public.

Faculty members may checkout videos for up to four weeks for use in the classroom.

No daily fine

Checkout Period: 4 weeks

Faculty and staff may check out books for the fiscal year.

No daily fine
Periodicals Checkout Period: 4 weeks No daily fine

Lost and Damaged Materials

If you lose or damage a book or video you checked out, you’ll be billed for the replacement cost.

For interlibrary loan items, lost items are usually billed at $100 each. If the library that owns the item charges more, you’ll need to pay the extra amount. You’re also responsible for any damage fees set by the lending library. On top of that, you’ll need to pay any overdue fines that have added up.

It’s always a good idea to take extra care of borrowed items!

Unpaid Library Fines/Bills

If you have an unpaid fine or library bill, your library checkout privileges will be suspended until the bill is paid.

Contact Us


Main Campus
Library Building
Ask A Librarian

Regular Hours — Spring 2025

January 9 – May 9 *

Monday–Thursday 7 AM – 8 PM
Friday 7 AM – 4:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday 12 – 4 PM

* Spring Break — March 15–23

Monday – Thursday 8 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday Closed
Saturday – Sunday Closed