Assessment Scores and Course Equivalences

Your Course Placement Recommendations

To view course recommendations based on your assessment scores, select the assessment below.

The courses required for your program can be found on your program's web page or your degree audit.

If your scores don’t place you in a course you need, no worries! Your academic advisor is here to help you create a plan and map out the best course sequence for you.

Math Course Placement

If you need to take a math admissions test, Hawkeye offers these options: ALEKS, ACCUPLACER, and ACT.

ALEKS Minimum Score Math Course Recommendation
5 MAT-012 Math Skills
6 MAT-052 Pre-Algebra
6 MAT-772 Applied Math
9 MAT-048 Preparatory Math for Elementary Algebra
14 MAT-060 Algebra Essentials
14 MAT-103 Lab Mathematics
30 MAT-102 Intermediate Algebra
30 MAT-110 Math for Liberal Arts
30 MAT-112 Math for Elementary Teachers I
30 MAT-156 Statistics
30 MAT-504 Electronics Math I
30 MAT-741 Technical Mathematics I
30 MAT-778 Applied Geometry / Trigonometry
45 MAT-121 College Algebra
61 MAT-128 Precalculus
61 MAT-134 Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry
76 MAT-210 Calculus I

Explore your math course sequence options based on your ALEKS score

Arithmetic Score Math Course Recommendation
200–239 MAT-012 Math Skills
240–254 MAT-052 Pre-Algebra
232–254 MAT-048 Preparatory Math for Elementary Algebra
255–300 MAT-060 Algebra Essentials
240–300 MAT-772 Applied Math
Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics (QAS) Score Math Course Recommendation
241–245 MAT-052 Pre-Algebra
246–258 MAT-060 Algebra Essentials
246–258 MLT-103 Lab Mathematics
259–300 MAT-102 Intermediate Algebra
259–300 MAT-110 Math for Liberal Arts
259–300 MAT-112 Math for Elementary Teachers I
259–300 MAT-156 Statistics
259–300 MAT-504 Electronics Math I
259–300 MAT-741 Technical Mathematics I
259–300 MAT-778 Applied Geometry / Trigonometry
Advanced Algebra and Functions Score Math Course Recommendation
227–257 MAT-102 Intermediate Algebra
227–257 MAT-110 Math for Liberal Arts
227–257 MAT-112 Math for Elementary Teachers I
227–257 MAT-156 Statistics
227–257 MAT-504 Electronics Math I
227–257 MAT-741 Technical Mathematics I
227–257 MAT-778 Applied Geometry / Trigonometry
258–265 MAT-121 College Algebra
266–275 MAT-128 Precalculus
266–275 MAT-134 Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry
276–300 MAT-210 Calculus I

The ACCUPLACER Classic assessment is no longer offered, but we can use your previous scores for math course placement.

Arithmetic Score Math Course Recommendation
1–39 MAT-012 Math Skills
40–62 MAT-052 Pre-Algebra
33–62 MAT-048 Preparatory Math for Elementary Algebra
63–120 MAT-060 Algebra Essentials
40–120 MAT-772 Applied Math
Elementary Algebra Score Math Course Recommendation
45–55 MAT-052 Pre-Algebra
56–84 MAT-060 Algebra Essentials
56–84 MLT-103 Lab Mathematics
85–120 MAT-102 Intermediate Algebra
85–120 MAT-110 Math for Liberal Arts
85–120 MAT-112 Math for Elementary Teachers I
85–120 MAT-156 Statistics
85–120 MAT-504 Electronics Math I
85–120 MAT-741 Technical Mathematics I
85–120 MAT-778 Applied Geometry / Trigonometry
College Level Math Score Math Course Recommendation
40–49 MAT-102 Intermediate Algebra
40–49 MAT-110 Math for Liberal Arts
40–49 MAT-112 Math for Elementary Teachers I
40–49 MAT-156 Statistics
40–49 MAT-504 Electronics Math I
40–49 MAT-741 Technical Mathematics I
40–49 MAT-778 Applied Geometry / Trigonometry
50–59 MAT-121 College Algebra
60–79 MAT-128 Precalculus
60–79 MAT-134 Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry
80–120 MAT-210 Calculus I

ACT Math Math Course Recommendation
1–13 MAT-102 Intermediate Algebra
14 MAT-048 Preparatory Math for Elementary Algebra
14–15 MAT-052 Pre-Algebra
16–18 MAT-060 Algebra Essentials
16–18 MLT-103 Lab Mathematics
14–36 MAT-772 Applied Math
19–23 MAT-102 Intermediate Algebra
19–23 MAT-110 Math for Liberal Arts
19–23 MAT-112 Math for Elementary Teachers I
19–23 MAT-156 Statistics
19–23 MAT-504 Electronics Math I
19–23 MAT-741 Technical Mathematics I
19–23 MAT-778 Applied Geometry / Trigonometry
24 MAT-121 College Algebra
25–26 MAT-128 Precalculus
25–26 MAT-134 Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry
27–36 MAT-210 Calculus I

The COMPASS assessment is no longer offered, but we can use your previous scores for math course placement.

Pre-Algebra Score Math Course Recommendation
1–23 MAT-012 Math Skills
24–38 MAT-052 Pre-Algebra
20–38 MAT-048 Preparatory Math for Elementary Algebra
39–100 MAT-060 Algebra Essentials
24–100 MAT-772 Applied Math
Algebra Score Math Course Recommendation
26–41 MAT-060 Algebra Essentials
26–41 MLT-103 Lab Mathematics
42–65 MAT-102 Intermediate Algebra
42–65 MAT-110 Math for Liberal Arts
42–65 MAT-112 Math for Elementary Teachers I
42–65 MAT-156 Statistics
42–65 MAT-504 Electronics Math I
42–65 MAT-741 Technical Mathematics I
42–65 MAT-778 Applied Geometry / Trigonometry
66–100 MAT-121 College Algebra
College Algebra Score Math Course Recommendation
31–50 MAT-121 College Algebra
51–100 MAT-128 Precalculus
51–100 MAT-134 Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry
Trigonometry Score Math Course Recommendation
31–50 MAT-128 Precalculus
31–50 MAT-134 Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry
51–100 MAT-210 Calculus I

If you feel the standardized assessment doesn’t accurately reflect where you should be placed, the Multiple Measures Assessment might be an option. Talk to your academic advisor to review your placement.

Score Math Course Recommendation
1 MAT-012 Math Skills
2 MAT-052 Pre-Algebra
2 MAT-048 Preparatory Math for Elementary Algebra
3 MAT-060 Algebra Essentials
3 MAT-772 Applied Math
3 MLT-103 Lab Mathematics
4 MAT-102 Intermediate Algebra
4 MAT-110 Math for Liberal Arts
4 MAT-112 Math for Elementary Teachers I
4 MAT-156 Statistics
4 MAT-504 Electronics Math I
4 MAT-741 Technical Mathematics I
4 MAT-778 Applied Geometry / Trigonometry
5 MAT-121 College Algebra
6 MAT-128 Precalculus
6 MAT-134 Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry
7 MAT-210 Calculus I

Literacy Course Placement

If you need to take a literacy admissions test, Hawkeye offers the ACCUPLACER and ACT.

Reading Score Course Recommendation
200–227 ENG-071 Academic Literacy I
228–238 ENG-081 Academic Literacy II
239–250 ENG-091 Academic Literacy III
251–300 ENG-105 Composition I
Writing Score Course Recommendation
200–228 ENG-071 Academic Literacy I
229–239 ENG-081 Academic Literacy II
240–252 ENG-091 Academic Literacy III
253–300 ENG-105 Composition I

The ACCUPLACER Classic assessment is no longer offered, but we can use your previous scores for literacy course placement.

Reading Score Course Recommendation
1–41 ENG-071 Academic Literacy I
42–54 ENG-081 Academic Literacy II
58–75 ENG-091 Academic Literacy III
76–120 ENG-105 Composition I
Sentence Skills Score Course Recommendation
1–41 ENG-071 Academic Literacy I
42–63 ENG-081 Academic Literacy II
64–81 ENG-091 Academic Literacy III
82–120 ENG-105 Composition I
Essay Score Course Recommendation
0–1 ENG-071 Academic Literacy I
2–3 ENG-081 Academic Literacy II
4–5 ENG-091 Academic Literacy III
6–8 ENG-105 Composition I

Reading or English Score Course Recommendation
1–13 ENG-071 Academic Literacy I
14–15 ENG-081 Academic Literacy II
16–18 ENG-091 Academic Literacy III
19–36 ENG-105 Composition I

Reading Score Course Recommendation
1–46 ENG-071 Academic Literacy I
47–68 ENG-081 Academic Literacy II
69–81 ENG-091 Academic Literacy III
82–100 ENG-105 Composition I
Writing Score Course Recommendation
1–19 ENG-071 Academic Literacy I
20–40 ENG-081 Academic Literacy II
41–64 ENG-091 Academic Literacy III
64–100 ENG-105 Composition I

If you feel the standardized assessment doesn’t accurately reflect where you should be placed, the Multiple Measures Assessment might be an option. Talk to your academic advisor to review your placement.

Score Course Recommendation
0 ENG-071 Academic Literacy I
1 ENG-081 Academic Literacy II
2 ENG-091 Academic Literacy III
4 ENG-105 Composition I