Local College Access Network (LCAN)

Working Together to Help More Students Go to College

Local College & Career Access Networks (LCANs) aim to increase college attainment by utilizing a cross-sector approach to solving complex issues, known as collective impact.

The Black Hawk LCAN (BH LCAN) seeks to raise postsecondary education rates and foster a college-going culture, with a primary focus on addressing equity gaps for minority and first-generation students. Led by a group of diverse community leaders, BH LCAN members collaborate and partner across various institutions. These leaders are united in their belief that increasing local educational attainment is essential for individual prosperity, community health, and a stronger economy.

Black Hawk LCAN Structure:

  • Leadership Team
  • FAFSA Workgroup
  • Nontraditional Student Workgroup 

Our Strategies Include:

  • Closing the equity gap for minority and low-income students.
  • Raising awareness of career opportunities through job shadows, internships, and business connections.
  • Increasing the percentage of students who plan to pursue higher education.
  • Boosting the number of students who complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).
  • Providing training opportunities for adults to reduce unemployment and underemployment.
  • Ensuring the sustainability of the Local College Access Network through trust and long-term partnerships 

Local College Access Network Communities

The Bureau of Iowa College Aid offers grants and technical assistance to Local College Access Network communities across the state to help build a network focused on increasing college attainment.

Need More Information?

Contact the LCAN Coordinator

Contact Us

Workforce Training and Community Development

Automation and Robotics Center
TechWorks Campus
360 Westfield Ave
Waterloo, IA 50701

Map and Directions

319-232-2751 (fax)

TTY: Relay Iowa is a telecommunications service providing full telephone accessibility to people who are deaf, hard of hearing, and/or speech impaired.

Local College Access Network (LCAN) Coordinator

Tina Engstrom
319-296-4296 ext.3109
Email Tina Engstrom

Black Hawk County Local College Access Network