A Safe Environment for All
Hawkeye Community College provides public safety coverage Monday–Friday, 6 AM – 11 PM. An officer is on call during off hours.
Public safety officers are trained in basic first aid, emergency procedures, patrolling, and CPR.
The goal of Public Safety is to ensure a safe environment in which all can enjoy their educational experiences while at Hawkeye. Campus security and a multitude of safety concerns are Public Safety's focus and responsibility.
Public Safety Services
- Provide an escort for you to and from class if you feel uncomfortable alone on campus.
- Jumpstart your vehicle if your vehicle won't start.
- Respond to and assist with traffic collisions on campus. Calls emergency responders if the accident involves extensive vehicle damage or personal injury.
- Investigate reports of missing or stolen property. If you discover anything is missing or stolen, report it to Public Safety as soon as possible.
- Enforce parking regulations on campus and monitor traffic flow.
- Lock and unlock buildings.
- Perform random and preventive patrols of campus.
- Enforce college regulations.
- Respond to medical emergencies.
- Deliver emergency messages.
Hawkeye public safety officers are not authorized to enforce local/state laws or to arrest individuals. Hawkeye public safety officers enforce College policies and have jurisdiction to do so on College owned or controlled property.
The Public Safety office maintains good working relationships with local law enforcement authorities, but there is no written memorandum of understanding regarding any topic, including the investigation of criminal incidents, in place between Public Safety and the outside law enforcement agencies that serve the various jurisdictions where Hawkeye Community College sites are located.
Daily Crime / Fire LogLast update: 10/14/2024