Active killer / hostile intruder situations are unpredictable, evolve quickly, and are often over in 10–15 minutes.
Before law enforcement arrives on the scene, you must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with an active killer / hostile intruder situation.
If an active killer / hostile intruder is in your vicinity, quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life.
Students are encouraged to follow the lead of instructors during critical incidents prior to the arrival of the Public Safety officers and emergency personnel.
Try to Evacuate
If it is possible to escape the area safely, attempt to evacuate, and do so quietly.
- Have an escape route and plan in mind.
- Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.
- Leave your belongings behind.
- Help others escape, if possible.
- If necessary, break windows or glass to get out of the area.
- Run in the opposite direction of the disturbance or shots, cover your head with books or other items for protection. DO NOT stop running until you are in a safe area.
- Prevent others from entering the area where the active killer; / hostile intruder may be located.
- Keep your hands visible. As you move through open areas keep your HANDS ELEVATED with OPEN PALMS visible, especially if encountering responding law enforcement officers.
- Do not carry phones or other objects in your hands.
- Follow all the instructions officers may give you.
- Generally, do not attempt to move wounded people.
- Call Public Safety at 319-296-4234 when you are safe.
- Remain in a safe location until you receive instructions from police.
Hide and Take Shelter
If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the active killer is less likely to find you.
- Find a room where the doors can be locked or barricaded securely.
- Close and lock windows, lower blinds, remain out of sight, turn off lights.
- Once secured inside, barricade the door with heavy furniture and take cover behind concrete walls, thick desks, filing cabinets, away from windows and doors.
- Remain calm and quiet.
- Silence your phone. Turn off cell phone ringer, vibrate option, and set phone to silent.
- Turn off any sources of noise (radios, television, etc.)
- Contact Public Safety at 319-296-4234 with the following information: your location, the intruders location, and the condition of the others with you.
- If you cannot speak, leave the line open so the dispatcher can hear what is happening.
- Follow the instructions of Public Safety officers and emergency personnel.
If Evacuation and Hiding Are Not Possible
- Remain calm.
- Dial 319-296-4234, if possible, to alert Public Safety and the police to the active killer’s / hostile intruder's location.
- If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen.
Take Action Against the Active Killer / Hostile Intruder
As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the intruder.
- Acting as aggressively as possible against him/her.
- Throwing items and improvising weapons.
- Yelling and committing to your actions.