Next Steps After You've Registered for Classes

Get Ready For Success

You’re about to embark on an exciting journey. Now that you’re officially enrolled, it’s time to focus on what comes next. From ordering your books to the first day of class, we’re here to help you every step of the way.

Attend Class, Beginning on the 1st Day

Showing up to class—especially from the very first day—keeps you on track to reach your academic and career goals. Make regular attendance a priority to avoid setbacks and maximize your success.

Additionally, your financial aid is tied to the number of credits you’re registered for and attending. If you’re marked as not attending a class, those credits won’t count toward your financial aid, potentially reducing the amount you receive.

Paying Your Bill

  • Registering = tuition charged: Your student account will be charged for every credit you register for—whether you attend or not. To avoid being charged for a class you don’t want to take, make sure to drop the class by the tuition refund deadline.
  • Make payment plans before classes start: You need to pay your bill in full by the first day of classes or sign up for a payment plan. Payment plans let you break up your payments throughout the semester. If you haven’t applied for financial aid or Hawkeye scholarships yet, now’s the time to do it!
  • Withdrawal for Non-Payment: If you don’t pay, you’ll be withdrawn from your classes midway through the semester, but will still have to pay the full bill. So, keep this in mind and make sure to stay on top of your payments!

* Your bill won’t show any financial aid you’ve been awarded. You can view your financial aid award in your Financial Aid Self-Service, My Awards.

Paying for College

Stay Informed

  • Check your Hawkeye email often: Stay informed and meet important deadlines.
  • Explore My Hawkeye: Customize your My Hawkeye dashboard to access the resources that matter most to you.
  • Review your Hawkeye Alert contact information: If there’s an emergency or a weather-related delay or closing, Hawkeye will send out a Hawkeye Alert to keep you informed. You can receive these notifications by text, phone call, or email. Choose how you want to be notified!

Get Involved, Make Connections

Getting involved in student activities like clubs, recreation, or organizations helps you make friends, build skills, and have a more fun college experience. With diverse options, from music and gaming to fitness and intramural sports, there's something for everyone to enjoy!