Campus Safety

Creating a Safe Environment for Everyone

Campus safety is a shared community responsibility, focused on keeping everyone on campus safe.

Our goal is to create a safe environment so you can focus your attention on your academics and campus involvement without concerns about campus safety.

If you ever have any concerns about your safety, or you need help, we are here to support you!

Hawkeye’s buildings and facilities are mainly for education and community service, with priority given to academic and administrative use.

Entry to Hawkeye's facilities is limited to students, faculty, staff, and authorized guests. Trespassers will be prosecuted.

Buildings are open during regular business hours and may stay open later into the evening or on weekends, depending on the class schedule and events.

Visitors and guests who want to use College facilities need to arrange it ahead of time with the appropriate College office or the events manager, Karen Gebel, at 319-296-4049 or email Karen.

You usually don’t need to check in, except at the Health Education and Services Center, where an ID is required.

The director of public safety, along with safety officers, facilities staff, and maintenance teams, work together to keep the campus safe. They regularly check and maintain things like lighting, landscaping, and other areas that impact safety.

Public safety officers regularly patrol campus buildings to check and address any security concerns.

The Daily Crime / Fire Log [PDF] keeps track of crimes or fire-related incidents reported on campus and is updated regularly. It provides information such as the type of incident, its location, date, and time. The log is shared to help keep everyone on campus aware of safety issues.

Hawkeye Community College follows Iowa law, which sets the legal drinking age at 21.

Illegal drugs are not allowed on campus.

Public Safety officers at Hawkeye Community College enforce underage drinking and drug laws on campus. The College also works closely with law enforcement agencies to ensure that laws regarding the use, sale, and possession of alcohol and drugs are followed.

For more details, refer to the College’s full Alcohol-Free and Drug-Free Campus Policy.

Employees should refer to the Personnel Handbook for a more detailed description of alcohol, illegal drugs, and other College policies affecting employees.

Riding Your Bike On Campus

You can ride your bicycle on the streets and parking lots at Hawkeye Community College, but remember to follow the same rules as cars. Always ride with traffic, follow all the same rules of the road, and let pedestrians go first.

Riding a bike in the courtyard is not allowed unless you have permission from the Director of Public Safety for official college activities.

Riding Other Recreational Equipment On Campus

Skateboarding, hover boarding, rollerblading, roller skating, bicycle stunt riding, or similar activities aren’t allowed anywhere on campus grounds. You can ask for permission from the Director of Public Safety for official college activities.

Parking Your Bike or Other Recreational Equipment On Campus

Make sure to park your bike in a designated bike rack.

Don’t leave your bike or other recreational equipment on the grass, sidewalks, or chained to trees, light poles, fences, benches, etc.

If it’s parked incorrectly or looks abandoned, it might be taken away, cutting off the lock if needed. So, make sure to always park properly!

If your bike or recreational equipment gets taken, contact Public Safety to get it back.

Stolen or Damaged Equipment

Hawkeye Community College is not liable for:

  • damage to locks, bicycles, or other recreational equipment
  • theft of bicycles or other recreational equipment

Children are welcome at Hawkeye, but they need to be supervised at all times. Kids shouldn’t be wandering around the campus or playing on their own.

If you do bring kids, it’s your job to make sure they are well-behaved and safe while on campus.

Due to risks related to health, safety, and liability and to ensure a safe and productive learning environment for students, the following spaces are restricted for children.

  • Classrooms (if the teacher thinks it’s not a good idea for kids to be there)
  • Labs and areas where labs are set up
  • Places with hazardous chemicals, machinery, or equipment
  • Commercial kitchens and food prep areas
  • The Testing Center
  • The fitness center
  • Inside a vehicle without an adult present

There might be other areas that are off-limits for kids. College faculty or staff will let you know about any other requirements or restrictions.

If we see kids without supervision, we’ll have to report it to Public Safety and possibly the Department of Human Services and/or local law enforcement. So, just make sure to keep an eye on the little ones! Thanks for helping keep everyone safe!

All animals on campus, livestock and pets, need to be under control, either confined or on a leash.

For safety and sanitation reasons, pets aren’t allowed inside buildings, except for service dogs.

Pets are welcome outside on College property as long as the owner adheres to the following:

  • Ensure your pet is always under control and on a leash no longer than three feet.
  • Your pet should wear a collar with up-to-date license and vaccination tags.
  • Clean up after your pet right away.

Animals found running loose or not properly restrained may be impounded. Under Iowa law, these animals may be turned over to animal control officers. The owner is responsible for all costs associated with reclaiming the animal.

Exceptions to this expectation include but not limited to:

  • the Agriculture and Natural Resources Department
  • the Hawkeye Farm
  • Hawkeye scheduled courses or activities; with prior approval

Firearms, ammunition, or any controlled or dangerous weapons or materials are not allowed on Hawkeye’s campus without prior approval.

You can request permission from the Dean of Liberal and Applied Arts and Human Services or the Director of Public Safety.

If you do get approval, firearms can only be used in specific educational areas like:

  • continuing education classes,
  • the firing range,
  • or if it’s part of a class that requires it.

The following procedure has been developed in order to assist in locating Hawkeye Community College student(s) living and working on the farm—located at 5503 Hammond Avenue, Waterloo, Iowa—who, based on facts and circumstances known to the College, are determined to be missing.

This procedure is in compliance with Section 488 of the Higher Education Act of 2008.

Reporting a Student As Missing

Anyone who believes a student to be missing should report their concern to campus Public Safety, local law enforcement (Black Hawk County Sheriff’s Office, Waterloo Police Department, Cedar Falls Police Department, for example), or to the dean of students in the Student Services Office.

Every report made will be followed up with an immediate investigation once a student has been missing for 24 hours.

Most missing person reports in the college environment result from a student changing his/her routine without informing his/her roommates and/or friends of the change.

Contacting the Students Emergency Contacts

At the beginning of each academic year, students living and working on the farm will be asked to provide, on a voluntary basis, contact information in the event he/she is reported missing while enrolled at Hawkeye Community College. This information will be kept in the Dean of Students Office and in the Public Safety Office and will remain confidential.

Depending on the circumstances presented to Hawkeye Community College officials, parents of a missing student will be notified. In the event that parental notification is necessary, the dean of students or his/her designee will place the call. For students under 18 and not emancipated, Hawkeye will notify a parent/guardian in addition to any additional contact person designated by the student.

General Procedure

  1. The Hawkeye Community College administrator receiving the report will collect and document the following information at the time of the report:
    1. The name and relationship of the person making the report.
    2. The date, time, and location the missing student was last seen.
    3. The general routine or habits of the suspected missing student.
    4. Any recent changes in behavior or demeanor of the suspected missing student.
    5. The missing student’s cell phone number.
  2. The Hawkeye administrator receiving the report will contact the Vice President of Student Affairs, the academic dean, the dean of students, and Public Safety in order to update them on the situation and to receive additional consultation. They will determine if/when other members of the Cabinet and the director of marketing need to be contacted.
  3. Upon notification from any entity that a student may be missing, Hawkeye may use any or all of the following resources to assist in locating the student.
    1. Call the student’s room.
    2. Go to the student’s room.
    3. Talk to the student’s roommates to see if anyone can confirm the missing student’s whereabouts and/or confirm the date, time, and location the student was last seen.
    4. Secure a current student ID or other photo of the student from a friend.
    5. Call/text the student’s cell phone and call any other numbers on record.
    6. Send the student an email.
    7. Check all possible locations mentioned by the parties above including, but not limited to, library, lounges, student union, fitness center, etc.
    8. Contact or call any other on-campus or off-campus friends or contacts that are made known. This could include checking a student’s social networking sites.
    9. Ascertain the student’s car color, make, model, and license plate number. Public Safety will also check Hawkeye parking lots for the presence of the student’s vehicle.
  4. The technology staff may be asked to obtain email logs in order to determine the last login and/or access of the Hawkeye network.
  5. Once all information is collected and documented and the Deans/Vice President of Student Affairs (or designee) are consulted Hawkeye Community College staff may contact the local police to report the information. (Note: If in the course of gathering information as described above, foul play is evident or strongly indicated, the police can be contacted immediately.)

Hawkeye Community College's Annual Security and Fire Safety Report shares important info about campus safety.

It covers things like crime statistics, safety policies, and fire safety measures. It includes information on how to report incidents, resources available to students, and the college's commitment to providing a safe environment. The report also highlights efforts to improve campus security and emergency preparedness.

View the complete Annual Security and Fire Safety Report [PDF]. If you prefer a printed copy, contact Public Safety.

Campus Security Policy Notification

This notification is in accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, 28 U.S.C. 1092(f), and the provisions of the Higher Education Opportunity Act Pertaining to Campus Statistics, 28 U.S.C. 1092(i). For more information or if you have specific questions regarding the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report or security policies at Hawkeye Community College, contact the Public Safety Office.

Hawkeye Community College is a public two-year community college with its main campus located in Waterloo, Iowa. The College has five additional service locations:

  • Automation and Robotics Center;
  • Cedar Falls Center;
  • Independence Center;
  • Van G. Miller Adult Learning Center;
  • Western Outreach Center.

Hawkeye does not have any student organizations that own or control non-campus facilities.

Parking and Traffic Rules

Hawkeye has created parking and traffic rules to:

  • Keep everyone safe.
  • Make sure emergency vehicles can get through.
  • Ensure parking spaces are used efficiently.
  • Protect pedestrians.

Parking on campus is a privilege, not a right. Hawkeye can take away your privilege to drive or park on campus if necessary.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the Public Safety office.

  • All traffic rules set by the state, county, and campus must be followed.
  • Pedestrians should always use the crosswalks.
  • Drivers need to pay attention to and follow all posted signs and signals.
  • The campus speed limit is 15 miles per hour. Be sure to adjust your speed for pedestrians and road conditions. If you're caught speeding or driving recklessly, you’ll be reported to local law enforcement.
  • Driving on sidewalks or grass is not allowed, except for Hawkeye service or patrol vehicles.
  • If a Public Safety officer is directing traffic, both vehicles and pedestrians must follow their signals.
  • If there's any kind of accident on campus, you must contact Public Safety or local law enforcement right away.
  • You can only park in areas that are marked as parking spaces.
  • Visitors have access to two-hour parking near building entrances, but students and employees are not allowed to use these spots.
  • Handicapped parking is available for students, staff, and visitors with a valid handicapped permit from state or county health departments or a medical provider. Keep in mind, having a permit doesn’t guarantee a spot. Check the Campus Accessibility Map [pdf] for more info.
  • Make sure your car is parked completely within the parking lines, and only park head-in. Double parking isn’t allowed.
  • Motorcycles can park in the yellow zones at the ends of parking lots, in addition to regular parking spaces for vehicles.
  • Parked vehicles should never block other cars or pedestrian walkways.
  • If you leave your vehicle on campus overnight, it must be parked in the overnight parking area on the west side of Lot I, north of Tama Hall.

Vehicles may be towed from campus for reasons such as:

  • Breaking parking rules.
  • Creating safety hazards.
  • Parking on lawns or driveways.
  • Blocking access to buildings or loading zones.
  • Parking for over 24 hours without moving.

If your vehicle is tagged for removal, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you before towing it at your expense.

Students or employees who break parking or traffic rules will receive a citation that requires payment of fees. You must pay these fees at the Business Office.

Here’s a breakdown of the fees:

  • Handicapped parking violation: $200
  • Illegally parked in a lot: $10
  • Parked in a restricted area: $20
  • Other regulation violations: $10

Parking violations are the responsibility of the person who registered the vehicle, even if someone else parked the vehicle and caused the violation.

Hawkeye Community College values the welfare and safety of its students, faculty, and staff members. In the event of a reported concern/issue, College representatives will identify themselves. You may be asked to provide identification as well. This is part of the Colleges safety protocol.

  • Public Safety identification cards issued by Hawkeye will be presented to students or employees upon request.
  • Student or employee identification cards issued by Hawkeye will be presented to Public Safety upon request.
  • A valid driver’s license or other valid document from the Iowa Department of Transportation is required to operate a motor vehicle on campus and must be presented to Public Safety upon request.


Public Safety

Main Campus
Hawkeye Center 216
Email Public Safety