Pregnant Students and Student Parents

Navigating Pregnancy, Parenting, and School

Being a student while managing pregnancy or parenting responsibilities can be challenging, but you’re not alone. We're here to support you through this time. Let’s walk through some of the key points to help you navigate these accommodations and absences.


If you're pregnant or a parent, you have certain protections under Title IX. This means you might be able to get things like:

  • Time and a comfortable space for breastfeeding students to express milk
  • Time off for pregnancy-related absences
  • Changes to your physical environment
  • Academic accommodations

If you need any of these, reach out to the Title IX Coordinator to ask for an adjustment. Hawkeye will work with you, but they won’t make changes that would lower the course standards or change what the class is meant to teach.


At Hawkeye Community College, if you miss class because of pregnancy, pregnancy-related issues, or recovery from childbirth, your absences will be excused as long as you’re under a healthcare provider's care and it's medically required.

If you're a parent and miss class because your child is sick, those absences will be treated the same as if you were the one who was sick.

Returning to School

When you come back from an excused absence, you’ll be given a fair chance to catch up on any missed work. Your instructor will determine what’s fair based on your specific situation taking into account your program, how much work you missed, the type of work, and how long you were gone.

Wellness Rooms

Hawkeye Community College recognizes and respects the need to accommodate lactating mothers. The College has designated wellness rooms available on a first-come, first-serve basis. These wellness rooms are private and comply with federal and state regulations.

Breastfeeding students shall have reasonable time and space to pump breast milk in a location that is private, clean and reasonably accessible.

Hawkeye Community College Wellness Rooms meet the following requirements:

  • Seating
  • Surface to place personal items or pumping device on
  • Signage
  • Electrical outlets
  • Security — door has occupancy indicator lock
  • Paper towel dispenser
  • Trash receptacle

Wellness Rooms are located on Main Campus in Grundy Hall and the Hawkeye Center.


Student Services

Main Campus
Hawkeye Center 208
Email Student Services

Dean of Students

Norman Coley
Main Campus
Hawkeye Center 208
Email Norman Coley