Biology HL |
4 |
BIO-113 General Biology II |
4 |
Biology HL |
4 |
SCI-XAL Biological Science with Lab Elective |
4 |
Biology SL |
5 |
SCI-XAL Biological Science with Lab Elective |
4 |
Business Management HL |
4 |
BUS-XTX Business Core Elective |
6 |
Business Management SL |
5 |
BUS-XTX Business Core Elective |
3 |
Chemistry HL |
4 |
CHM-165 General Chemistry I |
4 |
Chemistry HL |
4 |
SCI-XBL Physical Science with Lab Elective |
4 |
Chemistry SL |
5 |
SCI-XBL Physical Science with Lab Elective |
4 |
Dance HL |
4 |
HUM-XB1 Literature & Fine Arts Elective |
6 |
Dance SL |
5 |
HUM-XB1 Literature & Fine Arts Elective |
3 |
Economics HL |
4 |
ECN-120 Principles of Macroeconomics |
3 |
Economics HL |
4 |
ECN-130 Principles of Microeconomics |
3 |
Economics SL |
5 |
SSS-XCT Social Science C — Social Sciences Elective |
3 |
Environmental Systems & Societies SL |
5 |
XXX-XTX General Elective |
3 |
Geography HL |
4 |
GEO-121 World Regional Geography |
3 |
Geography HL |
4 |
GEO-XTX Geography Elective |
3 |
Geography SL |
5 |
GEO-121 World Regional Geography |
3 |
Global Politics HL |
4 |
POL-121 International Relations |
3 |
Global Politics HL |
4 |
SSS-XCT Social Science C — Social Sciences Elective |
3 |
Global Politics SL |
5 |
POL-121 International Relations |
3 |
History HL
- History Africa and Middle East
- History Asia and Oceania
- History of Europe
- History of the Americas
4 |
HUM-XAT Humanities A: Western Civilization Elective |
6 |
History SL |
5 |
HUM-XAT Humanities A: Western Civilization Elective |
3 |
Information Technology in a Global Society HL |
4 |
XXX-XTX General Elective |
6 |
Information Technology in a Global Society SL |
5 |
XXX-XTX General Elective |
3 |
Language A: Language and Literature HL |
4 |
HUM-XB2 Humanities B: Philosophy and Religion Elective |
6 |
Language A: Language and Literature SL |
5 |
HUM-XB2 Humanities B: Philosophy and Religion Elective |
3 |
Language A: Literature HL |
4 |
LIT-101 Intro to Literature |
3 |
Language A: Literature HL |
4 |
LIT-XTX Literature Elective |
3 |
Language A: Literature SL |
5 |
LIT-101 Intro to Literature |
3 |
Language B SL
- Chinese B SL
- French B SL
- German B SL
- Japanese B
- Spanish B SL
- Swahili B SL
5 |
FLL-XTX Foreign Language Elective |
5 |
Math: Analysis & Approaches HL |
4 |
MAT-210 Calculus I |
4 |
Math: Analysis & Approaches HL |
4 |
MAT-156 Statistics |
3 |
Math: Analysis & Approaches SL |
5 |
MAT-XCT Math Elective |
4 |
Math: Applications and Interpretations HL |
4 |
MAT-110 Math for Liberal Arts |
3 |
Math: Applications and Interpretations HL |
4 |
MAT-156 Statistics |
3 |
Math: Applications and Interpretations SL |
5 |
MAT-XCT Math Elective |
4 |
Philosophy HL |
4 |
PHI-101 Introduction to Philosophy |
3 |
Philosophy HL |
4 |
HUM-XB2 Phil & Religion Elective |
3 |
Philosophy SL |
5 |
PHI-101 Introduction to Philosophy |
3 |
Physics HL |
4 |
PHY-162 College Physics I |
4 |
Physics HL |
4 |
SCI-XBL Physical Science with Lab Elective |
4 |
Physics SL |
5 |
SCI-XBL Physical Science with Lab Elective |
4 |
Psychology HL |
4 |
PSY-111 Introduction to Psychology |
3 |
Psychology HL |
4 |
SSS-XAT Social Science A Elective |
3 |
Psychology SL |
5 |
PSY-111 Introduction to Psychology |
3 |
Sports, Exercise Science, and Health Sciences HL |
4 |
PEH-XTX Physical Education & Health Elective |
6 |
Sports, Exercise Science, and Health Sciences SL |
5 |
PEH-XTX Physical Education & Health Elective |
3 |
Theatre Arts HL |
4 |
HUM-XB1 Humanities B: Literature & Fine Arts Elective |
6 |
Theatre Arts SL |
5 |
HUM-XB1 Humanities B: Literature & Fine Arts Elective |
3 |
Visual Arts HL |
4 |
HUM-XB1 Humanities B: Literature & Fine Arts Elective |
6 |
Visual Arts SL |
5 |
HUM-XB1 Humanities B: Literature & Fine Arts Elective |
3 |