Computer Policies

Computer Use Policies

Hawkeye provides computer systems for the use by students, faculty, and staff for the purpose of furthering the educational mission of Hawkeye, including coursework, college-related educational endeavors, and business operations.

You are expected to follow computer policies and cannot interfere with or disrupt the processes of Hawkeye. You are responsible for using computer systems and services in an ethical way that demonstrates academic integrity and respect for others who share these resources. You must follow all existing federal, state, and local laws as they relate to computer policies.

As a user, you are responsible for:

  • Protecting your password
  • Reporting any breach of system security
  • Reporting unauthorized use of your account
  • Changing your password on a regular basis
  • Making backup copies of your work on a regular basis to ensure against loss
  • Clearly labeling works and opinions as your own before they are widely distributed

Hawkeye's Communication and Information Systems (CIS) department reserves the right to image any computer back to an initial base to troubleshoot problems. Computers will also be re-imaged to remove software not supported by Hawkeye.

The Communication and Information Systems department reserves the right to access an individual's files for maintenance of computers, networks, and storage systems. Electronic forms of data, information, and files stored on Hawkeye owned equipment or transmitted across Hawkeye's network are property of Hawkeye. No right to privacy can be assumed.

Hawkeye staff may monitor and log usage information:

  • Network connection and loading times
  • Computer and disk utilization
  • Security audit trails

This information can be used to show evidence of a violation of a policy or law. If necessary, Hawkeye may monitor the activities and files of a specific user on Hawkeye networks or computers. Any staff member who believes such monitoring is necessary, contact the director of communication and information systems.

Any student who violates these policies is subject to disciplinary action.

Faculty and staff who violate these policies are subject to disciplinary action as defined in the Employee Handbook.

All violators are subject to arrest according to local, state, and federal laws.

Computer Misconduct

The Computer Misconduct policy addresses actions like unauthorized access, misuse of equipment, and violation of college network rules. You're encouraged to understand these guidelines to ensure compliance and avoid penalties.

  • Unauthorized copying of licensed materials or items protected by copyright. This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Software (Including operating systems, programs, applications, databases, or code.)
    • Multimedia files (Including music, movies, or audio.)
    • Text files
  • Computer hacking is the unwanted or unsolicited entry into a computer system. This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Successful and unsuccessful acts of hacking.
    • Possession of the tools used for computer hacking.
    • Running programs that attempt to identify passwords or codes.
  • Knowingly introduce a computer virus to a computer or network. A computer virus is considered to be a program, either harmless or damaging, that attaches itself to another program and/or has the capability to reproduce in order to infect other computers.

  • Gain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to private or protected information. This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Willful damage or misuse of systems, applications, databases, code, or data.
    • Attempts to gain network privileges which you are not entitled.
  • Unauthorized alteration of system configuration. This includes, but is not limited to interrupting or attempting to interrupt programs that protect data or secure systems.

  • Introduce or use profanity or obscenities on Hawkeye's network, Internet, or any other communications configuration accessible by or connected to Hawkeye's computers or computer systems.

  • Use Hawkeye's network to:

    • Conduct business.
    • Solicit services.
    • Develop, introduce, or circulate inflammatory comments or subjects.
  • Share assigned logins with anyone, for any reason. Each student and employee is responsible for all activities under their assigned login. This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Unauthorized use or attempted use of another person’s login.
    • Unauthorized use of a generic login outside of the context for which it was created.
  • Inappropriate or misuse of email. This includes sending unsolicited email including junk mail, jokes, or chain letters to anyone from Hawkeye's system that is not of a business nature.

  • Install unauthorized personal hardware to any computer or network resource.

  • Install any software on Hawkeye's network. Software installations are the responsibility of Hawkeye's Communication and Information Systems department.

  • Unauthorized entry into a file to use, read, or change the contents, or for any other purpose.

  • Unauthorized transfer of a file.

  • Use computer facilities to interfere with the work of another student, instructor, or Hawkeye official.

  • Use computer facilities to send, print, or display obscene or abusive messages or materials.

  • Use computer facilities to interfere with normal operation of Hawkeye’s computer system.

  • Inappropriate or misuse of printing resources. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Printing of profanity or obscenities.
    • Printing items not directly associated with class materials.

Acts of misconduct are subject to disciplinary action as well as legal and/or civil action.


Student Services

Main Campus
Hawkeye Center 208
Email Student Services

Dean of Students

Norman Coley
Main Campus
Hawkeye Center 208
Email Norman Coley