Advanced Placement Program

Get Ahead with AP: Earn College Credits in High School

The Advanced Placement (AP) program is offered through high schools as college-level courses. If you're a qualified high school senior, you can take AP exams in different academic subjects to showcase your college-level skills.

At Hawkeye Community College, you can earn college credits based on your AP exam scores. To get credit, just make sure to send your official AP score reports to our Admissions office.

Note: The maximum amount of credit you can earn through exams is 30 credit hours.

AP Exam Minimum Score Hawkeye Course Credit
Art History 3 ART-101 Art Appreciation
Biology 4 BIO-113 General Biology II
Biology 5 BIO-112 General Biology I and
BIO-113 General Biology II
Calculus AB 3 MAT-210 Calculus I
Calculus BC 3 MAT-210 Calculus I
Calculus BC 4 MAT-210 Calculus I and
MAT-216 Calculus II
Chemistry 4 CHM-165 General Chemistry I
Chemistry 5 CHM-165 General Chemistry I and
CHM-175 General Chemistry II
Chinese Language and Culture 3 IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective
Chinese Language and Culture 4 IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective
Chinese Language and Culture 5 IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective
Comparative Government
and Politics
3 POL-125 Comparative Government and Politics
Computer Science A 3 CIS-206 Web Scripting
Computer Science Principles 3 CSC-110 Introduction to Computers
English Language and Composition 3 ENG-105 Composition I and
ENG-106 Composition II
English Literature and Composition 3 LIT-101 Introduction to Literature
English Literature and Composition 4 LIT-101 Introduction to Literature and
ENG-105 Composition I
Environmental Science 3 ENV-115 Environmental Science and
ENV-116 Environmental Science Lab
European History 3 HIS-XLT Humanities — History Elective
French Language and Culture 3 IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective
French Language and Culture 4 IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective
French Language and Culture 5 IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective
German Language and Culture 3 IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective
German Language and Culture 4 IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective
German Language and Culture 5 IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective
Human Geography 3 GEO-115 Human Geography
Italian Language and Culture 3 IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective
Italian Language and Culture 4 IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective
Italian Language and Culture 5 IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective
Japanese Language and Culture 3 IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective
Japanese Language and Culture 4 IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective
Japanese Language and Culture 5 IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective
Latin Language and Culture 3 IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective
Latin Language and Culture 4 IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective
Latin Language and Culture 5 IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective
Macroeconomics 3 ECN-120 Macroeconomics
Microeconomics 3 ECN-130 Microeconomics
Music Theory 3 MUS-102 Music Fundamentals
Physics 1: Algebra-Based 3 PHY-162 College Physics I
Physics 2: Algebra-Based 3 PHY-172 College Physics II
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 3 PHY-222 Classical Physics II
Physics C: Mechanics 3 PHY-212 Classical Physics I
Precalculus 3 MAT-128 Precalculus
Psychology 3 PSY-111 Introduction to Psychology
Research 3 XXX-XTX General Elective
Seminar 3 PDE-XLT Professional Development and Exploration Elective
Spanish Language and Culture 3 FLS-151 Elementary Spanish I
Spanish Language and Culture 4 FLS-151 Elementary Spanish I and
FLS-152 Elementary Spanish II
Spanish Language and Culture 5  IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective
Spanish Literature and Culture 3 LIT-XLT Literature Elective
Statistics 3 MAT-156 Statistics
Studio Art: 2-D Design 3 ART-120 2-D Design
Studio Art: 3-D Design 3 ART-123 3-D Design
Studio Art: Drawing 3 ART-133 Drawing
United States Government
and Politics
3 POL-111 American National Government
United States History 3 HIS-XLT Humanities — History Elective
United States History 4 HIS-151 U.S. History to 1877 and
HIS-152 U.S. History Since 1877
World History 3 HIS-XLT Humanities — History Elective

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Main Campus
Hawkeye Center 114
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Regular Hours — Spring 2025

Monday – Friday 8 AM – 4:30 PM


Main Campus
Hawkeye Center 134
Email Admissions

Admissions Mailing Address

Hawkeye Community College
1501 East Orange Road
P.O. Box 8015
Waterloo, Iowa 50704-8015