Art History |
3 |
ART-101 Art Appreciation |
Biology |
4 |
BIO-113 General Biology II |
Biology |
5 |
BIO-112 General Biology I and BIO-113 General Biology II |
Calculus AB |
3 |
MAT-210 Calculus I |
Calculus BC |
3 |
MAT-210 Calculus I |
Calculus BC |
4 |
MAT-210 Calculus I and MAT-216 Calculus II |
Chemistry |
4 |
CHM-165 General Chemistry I |
Chemistry |
5 |
CHM-165 General Chemistry I and CHM-175 General Chemistry II |
Chinese Language and Culture |
3 |
IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective |
Chinese Language and Culture |
4 |
IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective |
Chinese Language and Culture |
5 |
IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective |
Comparative Government and Politics |
3 |
POL-125 Comparative Government and Politics |
Computer Science A |
3 |
CIS-206 Web Scripting |
Computer Science Principles |
3 |
CSC-110 Introduction to Computers |
English Language and Composition |
3 |
ENG-105 Composition I and ENG-106 Composition II |
English Literature and Composition |
3 |
LIT-101 Introduction to Literature |
English Literature and Composition |
4 |
LIT-101 Introduction to Literature and ENG-105 Composition I |
Environmental Science |
3 |
ENV-115 Environmental Science and ENV-116 Environmental Science Lab |
European History |
3 |
HIS-XLT Humanities — History Elective |
French Language and Culture |
3 |
IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective |
French Language and Culture |
4 |
IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective |
French Language and Culture |
5 |
IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective |
German Language and Culture |
3 |
IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective |
German Language and Culture |
4 |
IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective |
German Language and Culture |
5 |
IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective |
Human Geography |
3 |
GEO-115 Human Geography |
Italian Language and Culture |
3 |
IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective |
Italian Language and Culture |
4 |
IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective |
Italian Language and Culture |
5 |
IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective |
Japanese Language and Culture |
3 |
IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective |
Japanese Language and Culture |
4 |
IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective |
Japanese Language and Culture |
5 |
IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective |
Latin Language and Culture |
3 |
IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective |
Latin Language and Culture |
4 |
IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective |
Latin Language and Culture |
5 |
IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective |
Macroeconomics |
3 |
ECN-120 Macroeconomics |
Microeconomics |
3 |
ECN-130 Microeconomics |
Music Theory |
3 |
MUS-102 Music Fundamentals |
Physics 1: Algebra-Based |
3 |
PHY-162 College Physics I |
Physics 2: Algebra-Based |
3 |
PHY-172 College Physics II |
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism |
3 |
PHY-222 Classical Physics II |
Physics C: Mechanics |
3 |
PHY-212 Classical Physics I |
Precalculus |
3 |
MAT-128 Precalculus |
Psychology |
3 |
PSY-111 Introduction to Psychology |
Research |
3 |
XXX-XTX General Elective |
Seminar |
3 |
PDE-XLT Professional Development and Exploration Elective |
Spanish Language and Culture |
3 |
FLS-151 Elementary Spanish I |
Spanish Language and Culture |
4 |
FLS-151 Elementary Spanish I and FLS-152 Elementary Spanish II |
Spanish Language and Culture |
5 |
IDW-XLT Individual Development and Well Being Elective |
Spanish Literature and Culture |
3 |
LIT-XLT Literature Elective |
Statistics |
3 |
MAT-156 Statistics |
Studio Art: 2-D Design |
3 |
ART-120 2-D Design |
Studio Art: 3-D Design |
3 |
ART-123 3-D Design |
Studio Art: Drawing |
3 |
ART-133 Drawing |
United States Government and Politics |
3 |
POL-111 American National Government |
United States History |
3 |
HIS-XLT Humanities — History Elective |
United States History |
4 |
HIS-151 U.S. History to 1877 and HIS-152 U.S. History Since 1877 |
World History |
3 |
HIS-XLT Humanities — History Elective |